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Autonomic Function Testing

  • 9 Steps


This test is an in-office test that provides next-generation, non-invasive patient diagnostics within minutes. Physicians in almost any area of medicine can identify diseases that may be associated with the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and Vascular Disorders, as well as imbalances in parasympathetic ("rest & digest") and sympathetic ("fight-or-flight") function. Utilizing cutting edge software, the test provides a comprehensive and fully automated Autonomic Function Test that is useful for physicians to gauge their patient’s health and uncover hidden diseases.

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The content provided on is strictly for informational purposes only and does not account for any specific patient or patient's current medical condition.  Since this website exists as a reference only, always reach out to your specific provider or physician to get specific details, results and / or follow-up recommendations regarding any testing you have had done.  

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